A snapshot of the table of contents of the new constitution |
After over a month long process, the new Wynnish constitution has finally been completed. Wynnland has been in political disarray for over 4 months with little to no process in regards to day to day activities from the government. In August, the ruling green government of Wynnland, headed by William von Denton, expressed interest in regards to forming a constitutional convention in order to write a new constitution. The Greens believed that a clean slate was needed.
In October, the Constitutional Convention Act 2021 was passed marking the end of the first constitution with a new constitutional convention being formed in order to write the new constitution. Representatives from each political party were included in the convention. His Majesty The King selected a deadline for a new and adequate draft to be written by January 1, 2022. During the months of November and December, the convention failed to write any adequate drafts or come to a consensus on what should be included in the new constitution. On New Years Day, 2022, His Majesty The King dissolved the convention in order to write the constitution himself with advice from his Privy Council.
On January 18, 2022, His Majesty The King announced over an announcement in Wynnland's communication servers that the constitution was completed, marking an end to Wynnland's ongoing political struggles for the past six months. The King was met with praise from the Libertarian Party leader Aidan von Fritz, "I think the new constitution can bring a new chapter in the story of Wynnland, and hopefully we shall see a new golden age."
There are some critics though. "The government does not support this new constitution.", former Prime Minister William von Denton stated, "It increases the power of the King and does not address the concerns for which the constitutional convention was convened."
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